Apr 2016 CCARC Meeting

The April CCARC meeting started with Charles, AA3WS, giving the first preview to the upcoming Building Day. The kit chosen is the Chinese $3.95 Pixie HF Transceiver Kit found on eBay. Additionally, Charles gave a brief lesson derived from the Boy Shout Merit Electronics Merit Badge requirements and the associated FCC Technician Class Test Questions. The lesson consisted of definitions of the electronic components: The Resistor, The Capacitor, The Inductor, The Transistor and the Integrated Circuit. The lesson was completed with a review of wavelength and heterodyning.

Les Silva KH6CUJ gave a talk on the upcoming Cub Scout event this month. Les is organizing Ham Radio support for the 2016 Western Shore District Cub-O-Ree that is taking place on 16 April at Kings Landing Park located in Huntingtown, MD. The event is 0900 to 1700, with registration starting at 0715. The Cubs will be cycling through events during the day including: HF voice & digital operations, fox hunting, Morse Code, and talking on the local repeaters. Les asked for a few more volunteers for the event, both at the park and on the air from home. Those who would like to help out at the park, you will need to complete a short BSA training course to allow you to work with the youth; located on the web:  “//www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx”. If you want to help out from home, the Cubs will be on one of two Calvert repeaters: 146.985 (PL:156.7) and/or 444.950 (PL:156.7).  Les requested an email from those who plan to help (Kh6cuj@aol.com).

After the presentations President Mike KA3GRW thanked the presenters.  Subsequently, the president announced that Rob Hoyt N2OMC volunteer to fill to position of Activities Manager.

Vice President Tom W3TOM advised the members of the nearby  HamFests: 4/9/2016 York HamFest, York PA; 4/16/2016 Delaware State Convention at the Delmarva AR & Electronics Expo, Georgetown DE; and 5/7/2016 The Greater Hagerstown HamFest, Hagerstown MD. Also the Vice President advised of the 4/15-17/2016 VHF Super Conference, Sterling VA; 5/20-22/2016 Hamvention , Dayton OH; and our 6/25-26/2016 Field Day.

Upcoming Speakers:

Activities Manager Rob N2OMC announced the May 6, club speaker will be Paul Burnhardt, KF4FOR, talking on the “Harp” and on June 3, Jim Cross WI3N Assistant Director of the Atlantic Division for ARES.

Field Day:

The proposed Field Day Site for 2016 will be at Amberleigh Farms off Oliver Shop Road. There will be a Cookout Bar-B-Que at Field Day this year and tables and chairs will be needed.

Upcoming Events:

March of Dimes Walkathon
The CCARC is supporting the upcoming 5/1/2016 March of Dimes Walk.

Maryland QSO Party
The location of Maryland QSO Party will be held Port Tobacco Marina (same location as last year).


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