Several members of the CCARC and ARES participated in the quarterly PGARES drill. Tom, W3TOM, helped support the operations at the Ft. Washington medical center. Bob, KB3KOW, provided voice and Winlink support at Charles Regional medical center (CRMC) and Lee, N3YWZ, provided Winmor support from his home QTH.
The drill consisted of sending a short version of a specific form used by the hospitals to order more medical supplies. The email containing that information was sent from CRMC to Lee via the KB3KOW-1 BBS. Lee then took the message and sent it via HF Winmor to Jim, WB3KAS. Once Jim received it, he then forwarded via HF Winmor it to Kenny, KB3IIE, who then acknowledged the message and sent it back via the same path.